Permesso di Soggiorno: Costs

marca da bollo -

What is the Permesso di Soggiorno?

  • The Permesso di Soggiorno is your permission to stay in Italy as a non -EU citizen.
  • It’s required that you apply for the Permesso within 8 days of arriving in Italy.
  • Once you complete & submit the application, you meet with the questura at a later date and then you receive your permessi di soggiorno.
  • It’s an Identification Card you’ll need while staying in Italy.  It’s the size of a credit card.


Minimum €153,50

    1. You must attach a €16.00 electronic revenue stamp (Marca di Bollo) to your application form which you can buy at certain Tabacchi shops. (the price recently increased to € 16 from €14,82)   The Tabacchi shops will have a sign which includes the term ‘Bollitini’ or just go inside and ask for a ‘Marca di Bollo’
    2. Pay another €30 when posting your application at the Post Office (Poste Italiane).
    3. For a permit valid for more than 90 days, you are also required to pay the cost of the electronic residence permit/Permesso di Soggiorno by paying the amount of € 27.50 using a pre-printed paying-in slip
    4. PLUS an additional fee ranging from € 80.00 to € 200.00 to cover issuing costs.
      1. From 3 months to 1 year: the residence permit costs €80.00 € +  27.50 +  30,00 € + 16,00€
      2. From 1 year to 2 years: the residence permit costs  €100.00 + € 27.50 + 30,00 € + 16,00€
      3. For 2 years and for business leaders: the residence permit costs € 200.00 + € 27.50 + 30,00 € + 16,00€

Click the images to enlarge

marca da bollo

This is the Marca da Bollo. Buy it at the Tabacchi shop and stick on the front page of your application

tABACCHI Italy connecT

Look for
“Valore Bollati”
at the Tabacchi shop


This is ‘The Kit” envelope.
Get this at the Post Office



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