What is the Permesso di Soggiorno?
- The Permesso di Soggiorno is your permission to stay in Italy as a non -EU citizen.
- It’s required that you apply for the Permesso within 8 days of arriving in Italy.
- Once you complete & submit the application, you meet with the questura at a later date and then you receive your permessi di soggiorno.
- It’s an Identification Card you’ll need while staying in Italy. It’s the size of a credit card.
Minimum €153,50
- You must attach a €16.00 electronic revenue stamp (Marca di Bollo) to your application form which you can buy at certain Tabacchi shops. (the price recently increased to € 16 from €14,82) The Tabacchi shops will have a sign which includes the term ‘Bollitini’ or just go inside and ask for a ‘Marca di Bollo’
- Pay another €30 when posting your application at the Post Office (Poste Italiane).
- For a permit valid for more than 90 days, you are also required to pay the cost of the electronic residence permit/Permesso di Soggiorno by paying the amount of € 27.50 using a pre-printed paying-in slip
- PLUS an additional fee ranging from € 80.00 to € 200.00 to cover issuing costs.
- From 3 months to 1 year: the residence permit costs €80.00 € + 27.50 + 30,00 € + 16,00€
- From 1 year to 2 years: the residence permit costs €100.00 + € 27.50 + 30,00 € + 16,00€
- For 2 years and for business leaders: the residence permit costs € 200.00 + € 27.50 + 30,00 € + 16,00€
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